Genealogia de La Villita, Jalpa Zacatecas

Antonio de Aguayo (Gonzalez de Isla)

Person Chart

Additional Names

Additional Names Name
Married Name Gonzalez de Isla


Partner Date of Birth Children
Elvira Gonzalez de Isla Bernardino de Aguayo
Diego Aguayo

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Marriage 1 Aug 1667 Teocaltiche, Teocaltiche, Jalisco, Mexico

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Elvira Gonzalez de Isla Wife
Bernardino de Aguayo Son
Diego Aguayo Son
Francisco Aguayo Grandson
Ines Gonzalez Mother-in-law
Sons- & Daughters-In-Law
Gertrudis Lozano Daughter-in-law
Francisco Gonzalez Martinez Grandfather-in-law
Magdalena de Isla y de Lavezares (Gonzalez) Grandmother-in-law
Great grandparents-in-law
Benito de Isla Lopez y de Lavezares Chavez Great grandfather-in-law Sevilla, Provincia de Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Ines Jesus Martinez Vaca y Gonzalez (Lozano) Great grandmother-in-law Badajoz, Provincia de Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain
Juana Navarro (de Isla) Great grandmother-in-law Teocaltiche, Teocaltiche, Jalisco, Mexico 28 Dec 1651
Juan Lozano y Zapata Great grandfather-in-law Lobón, Provincia de Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain ~1530
Second great grandparents-in-law
Bernardino de Isla Lopez Second great grandfather-in-law
Francisco Martinez Vaca Second great grandfather-in-law Badajoz, Provincia de Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain
Isabel Gonzalez (Martinez Vaca) Second great grandmother-in-law Badajoz, Provincia de Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain
Magdalena de Labazares Alvarez (de Isla) Second great grandmother-in-law
Maria Zapata (Hernandez de Lozano) Second great grandmother-in-law
Martin Navarro de Gabay Second great grandfather-in-law
Petronila Sotelo de Moctezuma (Gabay Navarro) Second great grandmother-in-law 1557-1558
Alonso Hernandez de Lozano Second great grandfather-in-law Lobón, Provincia de Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain 1503
Third great grandparents-in-law
Garcia de Isla Third great grandfather-in-law
Guido de Lavezares y de Chavez Third great grandfather-in-law Sevilla, Provincia de Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Ines Álvarez de Gibraleón (de Labazares) Third great grandmother-in-law Sevilla, Provincia de Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain
Leonor Valderama y Moctezuma (Arias de Sotelo) Third great grandmother-in-law Ecatepec, México, Mexico ~1560
Maria Lopez (de Isla) Third great grandmother-in-law
Diego Arias de Sotelo Third great grandfather-in-law San Miguel de la Ribera, Provincia de Zamora, Castille and León, Spain ~1526
Fourth great grandparents-in-law
Antonio Sotelo Fourth great grandfather-in-law
Catalina De Chavez (de Labazares) Fourth great grandmother-in-law
Cristobal de Valderama Fourth great grandfather-in-law Nov 1537
Leonor (Mariana) de Moctezuma Fourth great grandmother-in-law
Sebastián de Lavazares Fourth great grandfather-in-law
Usenda Nuñez (Sotelo) Fourth great grandmother-in-law
Fifth great grandparents-in-law
9th Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II Fifth great grandfather-in-law 30 Jun 1520
Acatlán Fifth great grandmother-in-law
Maria Rosa Frias Velasco Granddaughter-in-law Nochistlan, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, Mexico 01 May 1712