Genealogia de La Villita, Jalpa Zacatecas

Pedro de Figueroa Venegas

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Francisco de Figueroa Venegas 1541 Maria Aguilera

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 17 Aug 1574 Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico; Hillerkuss, T. Diccionario biográfico del occidente novohispano, siglo XVI, Vol 2 (D-G).

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Brothers & Sisters
Diego de Figueroa Aguilera Brother Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico 29 Jul 1576
Juan de Figueroa Aguilera Brother Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico 4 Jul 1579
Maria Aguilera Mother
Francisco de Figueroa Venegas Father Torrijos, Province of Toledo, Castille-La Mancha, Spain 1541
Elvira Hernandez Grandmother
Francisco de Figueroa Grandfather Torrijos, Province of Toledo, Castille-La Mancha, Spain
Uncles & Aunts
Pedro de Figueroa Uncle
Lorenzo de Figueroa Venegas Uncle Torrijos, Province of Toledo, Castille-La Mancha, Spain ~1545