Genealogia de La Villita, Jalpa Zacatecas

Tomas Davila Cabral

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Fabian Davila Juana Cabral (Davila)


Partner Date of Birth Children
Catalina Carlos de Godoy Maria Davila Carlos
Felipa Carrillo de Orozco 1663

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Marriage Guadalajara Archdiocese, Dispensas Matrimoniales 1569-1698 Caja 1 A-L, Film 100399793, Image 704-708

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Catalina Carlos de Godoy Partner or wife <1673
Felipa Carrillo de Orozco Wife Jerez, Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico 1663
Maria Davila Carlos Daughter Jerez, Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico ~1657
Fabian Davila Father
Juana Cabral (Davila) Mother
Maria Cid Grandmother
Pedro Davila Grandfather
Great grandparents
Maria Cid (Gonzalez de Berrocal) Great grandmother
Fernan (Hernan) Gonzalez de Berrocal Great grandfather ~1535
Second great grandparents
Maria Caldera de Velázquez (Caldera de Velázquez) Second great grandmother
Maria Sancha de Belmar (Carrillo de Avila) Second great grandmother
Pedro Carrillo de Avila Second great grandfather
Pedro Caldera del Cid de Velázquez Second great grandfather Valencia de Alcántara, Provincia de Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain ~ 1510
Third great grandparents
Juana Velasquez (Caldera) Third great grandmother
Miguel Caldera del Cid Third great grandfather
Diego Carrillo Father-in-law
Francisca de Orozco (Carrillo) Mother-in-law
Sons- & Daughters-In-Law
Juan de Miramontes Son-in-law Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico
Great uncles & Great aunts
Catalina Caldera Great aunt
Great great (uncles & aunts)
Miguel Caldera Great great uncle 1548 San Juan del Río, Querétaro, Mexico 18 Oct 1597
Second cousins
Diego Carrillo Second cousin (m)
1st cousins once removed up
Pedro Carrillo Caldera 1st cousin once removed up (m)
2nd cousins once removed
Felipa Carrillo de Orozco 2nd cousin once removed (f) Jerez, Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico 1663
Juana de Santillan (Carrillo Caldera) Grandmother-in-law
Pedro Carrillo Caldera Grandfather-in-law
Great grandparents-in-law
Catalina Caldera Great grandmother-in-law
Pedro Carrillo Great grandfather-in-law
Pedro Carillo Davila Great grandfather-in-law 1632
Second great grandparents-in-law
Maria Cid (Gonzalez de Berrocal) Second great grandmother-in-law
Fernan (Hernan) Gonzalez de Berrocal Second great grandfather-in-law ~1535
Third great grandparents-in-law
Maria Caldera de Velázquez (Caldera de Velázquez) Third great grandmother-in-law
Maria Sancha de Belmar (Carrillo de Avila) Third great grandmother-in-law
Pedro Carrillo de Avila Third great grandfather-in-law
Pedro Caldera del Cid de Velázquez Third great grandfather-in-law Valencia de Alcántara, Provincia de Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain ~ 1510
Fourth great grandparents-in-law
Juana Velasquez (Caldera) Fourth great grandmother-in-law
Miguel Caldera del Cid Fourth great grandfather-in-law