Genealogia de La Villita, Jalpa Zacatecas

Plutarca Alonso Sanchez (Gonzalez Vasquez)

Person Chart

Additional Names

Additional Names Name
Married Name Gonzalez Vasquez


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Felix Alonso Francisca Sanchez (Alonzo)


Partner Date of Birth Children
Arcadio Gonzalez Vasquez 11 Jan 1828 Gonzalo Gonzalez Alonso

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Marriage 21 May 1855 Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico Ixtlahuacan Matrimonios, Film 614985, Image 242

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Arcadio Gonzalez Vasquez Husband Buenavista, Ixtlahucan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico 11 Jan 1828
Gonzalo Gonzalez Alonso Son Buenavista, Ixtlahucan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico 10 Jan 1884
Felix Alonso Father
Francisca Sanchez (Alonzo) Mother
Silvestre Gonzalez Sanchez Grandson Buenavista, Ixtlahucan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico 31 Dec 1921
Atanacio Gonzalez Rivera Father-in-law 1791
Gertrudis Vasquez Gamboa (Gonzalez) Mother-in-law 1803
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Bonifacia Gonzalez Vasquez Sister-in-law
Guadalupe Gonzalez Preciado Sister-in-law 1807
Albino Gonzalez Preciado Brother-in-law Changanga, Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico 1810
Josefa Gonzalez Rivera Sister-in-law 1814
Hipolito Gonzalez Rivera Brother-in-law Changanga, Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico 17 Jan 1816
Jesus Gonzalez Preciado Brother-in-law 1819
Domingo Vasquez Grandfather-in-law
Felipa Rivera (Gonzalez) Grandmother-in-law
Gervacio Gonzalez Morales? Grandfather-in-law
Leonardo Gamboa (Vasquez) Grandmother-in-law