Genealogia de La Villita, Jalpa Zacatecas

Maria Alvina Lopez Yniquez

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Anastacio Lopez Maria Anastacia Yniquez


Partner Date of Birth Children
Ignacio Aguila Covarrubias

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Marriage 10 Sep 1845 Nochistlan, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, Mexico Nochistlan Marriages 1845, Film 226731, Image?

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Ignacio Aguila Covarrubias Husband
Anastacio Lopez Father
Maria Anastacia Yniquez Mother
Domingo Aguila Garcia Father-in-law
Panfila Covarrubias Ruiz Mother-in-law
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Jose Roque Aguila Covarrubias Brother-in-law
Marciala Aguila Covarrubias Sister-in-law Calvillo, Calvillo, Aguascalientes, Mexico 08 Nov 1803
Agustin Aguila Covarrubias Brother-in-law 1806
Jose Antonio de la Trinidad Aguila Covarrubias Brother-in-law Tayahua, Villanueva, Zacatecas, Mexico 12 Jun 1808
Ireneo Aguila Covarrubias Brother-in-law 1813
Nephews & Nieces
Victoriano Telesforo Aguila Medina Nephew-in-law Calvillo, Calvillo, Aguascalientes, Mexico 05 Sep 1810
Cosme Aguila Grandfather-in-law
Teodora Garcia (Aguila) Grandmother-in-law
Teodora Ruiz Grandmother-in-law
Bacilio Covarrubias Grandfather-in-law ~1785
Great grandparents-in-law
Jose Covarrubias Great grandfather-in-law ~1760