Genealogia de La Villita, Jalpa Zacatecas

Calisto Valdovinos Medrano

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Jose Maria Valdovinos Maria Enrique Medrano


Partner Date of Birth Children
Luciana Gomez
Manuela Olague Ojeda 1811

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth San Bernardo, Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico Jalpa Matrimonios 1829, Film 1158672, Image 59
Marriage 24 Aug 1829 Jalpa, Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico Jalpa Matrimonios 1829, Film 1158672, Image 59

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Luciana Gomez Partner or wife Jalpa, Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico 1828
Manuela Olague Ojeda Wife Villanueva, Zacatecas, Mexico 1811
Brothers & Sisters
Jose Ines Valdovinos Medrano Brother
Maria Josefa Valdovinos Medrano Sister
Alvino Valdovinos Medrano Brother San Bernardo, Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico 1807
Jose Maria Valdovinos Father
Maria Enrique Medrano Mother <1829
Juana Maria Ojeda Grandmother
Nicanor Medrano Grandfather
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Florentina Sandoval Espinoza Sister-in-law La Villita, Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico 1817
Nephews & Nieces
Porfiria Valdovinos Sandoval Niece 1852 La Villita, Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico 23 Jan 1903